Welcome to
Lotus Family Therapy:

Where Culturally-Sensitive Support Begins

A large tree in the middle of a park.

Do any of these experiences resonate with you?

  • Feeling overwhelmed by constant worry and fear, impacting daily life and relationships?
  • Experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities.?
  • Struggling to navigate conflicting parenting styles between cultural traditions and Western norms, leading to tension and uncertainty within the family?
  • Feeling caught between two cultures, experiencing identity confusion, and grappling with the pressure to assimilate while also preserving cultural heritage?
  • Coping with the loss of a loved one, navigating the cultural complexities of mourning and grieving while also managing the practical and emotional aspects of loss?

About Me

Welcome to Lotus Family Therapy! I'm Sangita Biswas, a marriage and family therapist, and I look forward to welcoming you to my practice. I am excited to help you begin your journey towards healing and growth. As an Indian immigrant myself, I understand the challenges of acculturation and the complexities of navigating cultural differences. With over a decade of experience, I provide counseling and therapy to individuals and families from diverse cultural backgrounds. In my practice, I create a safe and welcoming space where clients can explore their unique experiences and relationships.

Whether you're struggling with parenting conflicts or seeking to understand your own cultural identity, I'm here to support you every step of the way. At Lotus Family Therapy, I believe in meeting you where you are. Our sessions are free from jargon and filled with warmth and understanding.

I'm passionate about advocating for therapy within the South Asian community, helping individuals and families recognize the benefits of seeking support. Beyond therapy, I'm also an artist, drawing inspiration from various Indian tribal and folk art forms. Self-care is essential to me, and I'm committed to helping you embark on your journey of mental health wellness.

A park with trees and grass in the foreground.
Two people holding hands in a circle.

Services We Offer

Remembering the quote "No mud, no lotus" by Thich Nhat Hanh, I believe that together, we can overcome life's challenges and discover the beauty that lies within us all. That’s why I offer a range of intensive and personalized services, including:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Family Counseling
  • Online Therapy
  • Parenting Workshops
  • Wellness Workshops
A green and white logo of the number 3 6.

"No mud no lotus" - Thich Nhat Hanh

A forest with trees and grass in the middle of it

Focus on South Asian Community

As a family counselor with a focus on the South Asian community, I have worked extensively with teens, helping them and their parents understand and improve their relationships. My parenting workshops and wellness workshops are designed to empower families with effective strategies for communication and relationship building.

A tree in the middle of a grassy field.

Connect With Me

Take the first step toward a brighter, more harmonious future. I'm here to support you on your journey to healing and growth. Contact me today to schedule a consultation, or reach out if you have any further questions.


A pink and green background with the letter j

"Sangita Biswas is that rare blend of keen analytical insight and intuitive empathic connection. She is an asset to her clients and a generous support to her colleagues. I'm grateful to have Sangita in my life."

Howard Scott Warshaw
A pink and green background with the letter j

"It has been our pleasure to work with Sangita Biswas for the past two years, in bringing ground breaking workshops and mental health tools to the local Bay Area community. Sangita holds an extraordinarily deep understanding of the needs of the South Asian community and has honed her prowess as a therapist and mental health provider, to streamline care of our local communities. She is a skilled expert in providing educational workshops and teaching essential skills on critical topics such as self care, boundaries, self compassion, healthy parenting, coping with anxiety and more! Sangita co designed and launched Narika's Prevention Program SAPHAL (South Asian Parents Heal and Learn), which has garnered national attention. She is also one of the key topic experts featured on our parenting podcast, Koshish. We are honored to have collaborated with her for Narika's mission and hope to see her expertise benefit many more in our community.

Shailaja Dixit,
Executive Director, Narika